Browsing: Japan

The number of vacant houses in Japan has reached a record high of nine million, reflecting the ongoing challenge of its declining population. These abandoned houses, commonly referred to as “akiya,” typically denote dilapidated residential properties, often found in rural regions. This […]

Around the world, people are living longer, healthier lives than ever before. One area this is most visible is in the number of centenarians, or people living to the age of 100. In 1840, there were 90 centenarians in the United States—one for every 189,000 people—according to United States Census Bureau records. Today, there are […]

Tales of monsters invading Japan are a longstanding tradition, usually involving menacing kaiju—literally “strange creatures”—rising from the sea to wreak havoc on a Japanese city. At this very moment, the country is engaged in just such a war, with an entire army of invasive creatures, but they’re both less fearsome and more adorable than Godzilla […]