Sen. and Rev. Raphael Warnock (D-GA) accused Speaker of the House Mike Johnson of employing Christianity as a tool to create rifts among people.
Warnock commented on Johnson's criticism of Biden for acknowledging Transgender Day of Visibility on Easter Sunday:
It seems that the speaker has a disdain for transgender individuals, and I believe he should consider that the date, March 31st, changes annually. This is another example of those who lack leadership skills attempting to sow discord, which goes against the principles of the Christian faith.
Jesus advocated for the marginalized and the impoverished. In times like these, we need voices, especially those rooted in faith, to use our beliefs as a means of bringing people together instead of using them as a weapon. This is the approach taken by Martin Luther King Jr., and I am honored to preach from that perspective daily. My faith guides me in my efforts as a United States senator, whether it's working to reduce insulin costs, enabling first-time homebuyers, or addressing the issue of overwhelming student debt.
Sen. and Rev. Raphael Warnock (D-GA) on Speaker Mike Johnson using Christianity as a weapon to attack President Biden, "This is just one more instance of folks who have who do not know how to lead us trying to divide us. And this is the opposite of the Christian faith."
— Sarah Reese Jones (@PoliticusSarah) March 31, 2024
The country requires more individuals of faith to oppose the distortion of Christianity to suit a political agenda, or even worse, the veiling of authoritarian Christian nationalism in religious language, when in reality, its proponents are behaving in ways that are both undemocratic and un-Christian.
Rev. Warnock is a true man of faith, whereas Mike Johnson uses faith to uphold an extremist political agenda.
Speaker Mike Johnson exemplifies why an increasing number of Americans are turning away from Christianity, as the loudest voices in the discussion are often those of extreme right-wing individuals. More and more Americans are rejecting right-wing bigotry and division disguised as faith.